
Where have the guests traveled from to reach Adair Springs Cabin in Pinetop, Arizona? Our guests have come from out of state and out of the country. Tucson, Arizona, leads the list, followed by Gilbert and Phoenix. Agua Prieta, Mexico- 1 Albuquerque, New Mexico-...

Top Ten

Below are the top ten visitors who have stayed at Adair Springs Cabin listed by city or town. (1) Tucson 15.4% (2) Gilbert 11.9% (3) Phoenix 11.3% (4) Mesa 9.3% (5) Chandler 3.8% (6) Tempe 3.1% (7) Glendale 2.9% (8) Scottsdale 2.1% (9) San Tan Valley 1.7% (10) Queen...

Banks in Pinetop-Lakeside

Chase Bank 116 E White Mountain Blvd, Lakeside, AZ 85929 (928-367-0180)ATM Available   National Bank of Arizona 1820 E White Mountain Blvd, Pinetop, AZ 85935 (928-367-0650) ATM Available PNC Bank 781 E White Mountain Blvd, Pinetop, AZ 85935 (928-367-4177) ATM...

History of Pinetop

The first two books contain historical information on the early days of Pinetop and the White Mountains of Arizona. The last two books are stories about myself and my family, including accounts about Pinetop....