Restaurants in Pinetop

Aliberto’s Mexican Food 544 E. White Mountain Blvd Pinetop 928-367-6364 Asian Bistro 4660 Maverick Lane Lakeside (Asian) 928-368-6333 Baked in Pinetop 674 E. White Mountain Blvd Unit 4 Pinetop 928-358-1986 Bistro at Annie’s 2849 W White Mountain Blvd...

Local Service Companies PLSD Home 2 Home Trash Can Valet Services Adair Springs Cabin, a vacation rental located in Pinetop, Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax License...

Walk Down Penrod Lane

Penrod Lane and White Mtn Blvd Penrod Lane Ediie’s Country Store The Orchard The Orchard The Orchard Apple Groves at the orchard Charlie Clark’s Charlie Clark’s Rear Entrance Ditch East of Penrod Lane Ditch West of Penrod Lane Presbyterian Church...

Family Reunion July 19, 2008

Pinetop Cemetery July 19, 2008 Weston Buckhannon Steven Simkins Thelma at Pinetop Cemetery Hayden planting flowers Reservation Zachary Serving Darrell playing volleyball David and Hayden Darrell Adair Hike Staring Point Amanda, Brenda, and Michelle Sean and David...